Juanita Guccione American, 1904-1999
Plateau, circa 1946
Mixed media on canvas
21 x 30 inches
Signed lower left
Susan L. Aberth wrote 'Plateau (c. 1946) is a stunning example of a surrealist dreamscape, employing the more abstract iteration of the movement as seen in Yves Tanguy or Joan...
Susan L. Aberth wrote "Plateau (c.
1946) is a stunning example of a surrealist dreamscape, employing the more
abstract iteration of the movement as seen in Yves Tanguy or Joan Miró.
Under a glowing red heavenly body, a strange otherworldly landscape consisting
of pastel vaporous mists appears. Lines, orbs, and other geometric shapes
appear to dance around the composition forming delicate arabesque spirals and
flowing forms. Everything is in a state of flux as water-like waves move
horizontally below stream jets of white froth above that suggest the tails of
comets. What could be a seated cloaked figure in red is placed in the lower
center, observing these miraculous transformations. There is an inexplicable sense
of science fiction about this scene, and I can think of no art historical
precedent to this unique exploration of other dimensions."
1946) is a stunning example of a surrealist dreamscape, employing the more
abstract iteration of the movement as seen in Yves Tanguy or Joan Miró.
Under a glowing red heavenly body, a strange otherworldly landscape consisting
of pastel vaporous mists appears. Lines, orbs, and other geometric shapes
appear to dance around the composition forming delicate arabesque spirals and
flowing forms. Everything is in a state of flux as water-like waves move
horizontally below stream jets of white froth above that suggest the tails of
comets. What could be a seated cloaked figure in red is placed in the lower
center, observing these miraculous transformations. There is an inexplicable sense
of science fiction about this scene, and I can think of no art historical
precedent to this unique exploration of other dimensions."